Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Midway upon the journey of our life...

This is the official first post of the official blog of The Order of the Schwa.

My reasons for starting this blog is to enable all of the wide spread writers in our community of writers to be able to connect even when we are not able to make it to the "weekly" meetings.

However, this blog is not meant to replace said meetings and all members who fail to make it to said meetings with repeat infractions may be drawn and quartered, hung by the neck till dead, and finally flailed alive.

Other than that, we are glad to welcome all who enter here with the time old saying,

"Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate"


  1. I should write that Dante quote on the title off all my draft books....

  2. Hehehehe it's one of my favorites. :D Because it's so wonderfully, perfectly, morbid.
